Tuesday, December 16, 2008


What did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about television? What does television provide you?
  • I learned that I waste a lot of time watching shows i dont even like. I think i could save a lot of time, only watching shows that i enjoy, and not just turning it on random stations.
  • I learned that TV has a lot bigger role in my life than i previously thought. I learned that there really is something for everyone on tv. Just with a basic cable hookup, i could watch so many different channels.
  • Television provides me with an escape. I dont like watching the news. I dont like being reminded of the bad things in the world when i watch tv. I watch so that i can escape reality and give my brain a rest. TV also provieds me with pure entertainment. I watch it so that i can be entertained while putting forth a minimal effort.
Critiques argue that in trying to “offend no one,” the networks tend to offer TV programs that appeal to the “lowest common-denominator.” Do you agree? Can you name programs that are definitely for the LCD? Can you think of any network (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, CW) programs that defy the LCD label? Explain.
  • I agree whole-heartedly, and i dont blame the networks for this. They are trying to make money, and appeal to as many people as they possibly can. The majority of people who watch TV regularly are less-educated than the average american, therefore many tv shows are geared towards this large audience.
  • One example of this is: Paris Hilton's BFF. This show is ridiculous (Sorry to anyone who watchs this) The premise of this show is to find a new Best Friend Forever (BFF) for Paris HIlton. On this show, girls (and some affeminate men) compete in front of Paris to be her best friend. This show is popular and definitely appeals to the LCD
  • An example of a tv show that defied this label was Arrested Development. This tv show is one of the funniest ever. But the humor was mostly sophisticated, leading to a quick cancellation of this show. The lowest common denominator couldnt understand this humor, and the show was dropped.
Many people would say that television has had a greater impact on society than any other form of media. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  • I agree. I think this is in the process of changing to the internet, but right now i beleive it to be true. So much of who i am has been influenced by television. How i speak, dress, and look at life is influenced by the tv. The statistics alone show us this great impact. 99% of households in America own a tv. 66% have 3 or more. Household of three or more people watch an average of 60 hours a week. These stats show the effect TV has on our society. It is a part of everyone's lives.

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