Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Describe a situation in which you thought personal or public expression went too far and should be curbed?
  • In 1978, Nazi's tried to march in a town in Illinois called Skokie. This town is predominantly Jewish and had many holocaust survivors, but the Nazi's claimed they had a right to express themselves. This issue was brought before the court, and eventually the rally was held in a park in Chicago. This is clearly a case where public expression went too far. This march was clearly meant to provoke the residents of Skokie. Skokie wasnt even close to the NSPA's headquarters in Chicago.

How might you remedy this situation?
  • I would go about it the same way that the residents in Skokie did. It was taken to the court and eventually not allowed. The United States has a system set up for these kind of situations to be taken care of. Of course the system isnt perfect, but it is the closest thing we have.

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