Monday, October 20, 2008

Journal Entry #6

Why are Metropolitan Newspapers shutting down?

The newspaper business has evolved immensely in the last couple of years.  More people are reading the newspaper than ever before, but in a different manner then they used to. They are reading online newspapers, and those companies that failed to integrate this new development into their companies failed.  Newspaper as we know it, is changing, and if the newspapers fail to evolve too, they will suffer. 


Community Papers:

Community newspapers are booming, while the rest of the newspaper business is faltering.  This is due to the fact that community newspapers are a part of the culture, there is no other way to get the specific news that people want about where they live.  The people talked about in the community papers are people that everyone knows, and the news that is written about affects the readers directly. Nothing can replace this.


What is the balance between hard and soft news?

The front page is all hard news.  Stories that don’t involve opinions, stories that strictly tell the reader what is happening.  Once you get into the back pages, and the opinion section, is when comes the soft news.  Feature stories, human interest stories, editorials, and letters to the editor are all soft news stories, and have their place in the newspaper. 


What kinds of topics are being covered?

Right now, the main topic being covered is politics.  It is an election year, and this is what everyone cares about.  Another big topic is the economic crisis that our country is in right now.  These are the two biggest topics being covered right now. 


Are newspapers still the “watchdogs” they used to be?

Yes they are, they are also known as the “4th estate”.  Newspapers keep an eye on the other three institutions of the government.  They regulate what goes on, and expose any corruption.  An example of this is Watergate, where two reporters from The Washington Post uncovered the fraud that Nixon and his cabinet were committing.  This is still going on these days.  Newspapers bring corruption to the public eye, making an example of those wrongdoers and hopefully preventing others by giving them the fear that they will be exposed.    

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